June 2024 Update from the CEO

Welcome and thanks

A welcome to our ever-growing list of members and thank you to those many renewing members – your support of the Association is appreciated, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our events soon! If you’re not a member, and would like to join us, please join online here.

A reminder too of all the great benefits to Parking Australia members including the unlimited number of staff we invite from each member firm to join us at our networking events, for example. You can also pop your news, events, and jobs across and we will add to the Parking Australia website.

Of note this month:

National Roads & Traffic

Parking Australia thanks all our members and colleagues from around the industry for the great interest and positive feedback regarding our partnership with the National Roads & Traffic Expo for this year’s conference, taking place on October 30-31, 2024, at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.

In collaboration with National Roads & Traffic, we are extending a special 10% discount on exhibition and sponsorship prices to all Parking Australia members. This partnership not only strengthens our ties within the parking sector but also provides valuable opportunities for networking and showcasing innovative solutions.

Space within the Parking Zone is limited, and speaking slots in the parking stream are in high demand. If you are interested in booking a spot for yourself or your colleagues, please contact Hoss Esmaeilzadeh (02 8908 8512/ hoss.esmaeilzadeh@terrapinn.com) at your earliest convenience to secure your place.

Parking Industry Awards

Book the night! The Parking Awards will be held as a gala dinner on Wednesday 30 October in Melbourne. Following member feedback, we’re currently finalising the criteria and logistics for awards. Nominations will open in the coming weeks, at the same time as available sponsorship opportunities.

Melbourne networking event 29 May – thank you

What’s coming down the road – evolution (or revolution) in parking and mobility technology was the topic for our networking event on Wednesday 29 May. Our excellent panel consisting of Josh Bakhbakhi (CAVU), Jason Marks (EasyPark ANZ), Jocelyn Chiew (City of Melbourne), and Lena Zaltash (Melbourne Airport), moderated by Parking Australia Vice President Mosstyn Howell, looked at the trends they’re seeing locally and overseas. The session include Q&A and interactive audience discussion. Thank you to the many colleagues who attended (videos and key lessons from the day are on the member-only section of the website under Resources); and also, to our kind sponsors, CAVU and EasyPark ANZ.

WA networking breakfast event 19 June / Perth member visits

Our thanks to the nearly 60 colleagues who got up early last week and joined our panel members Peter McUtchen, PARKD Group, Mike Emery, City of Cockburn, and Jagroop Gill, Wevolt for a great session on the future of parking (planning and technology). Our first WA event in some time saw councils, universities, suppliers and colleagues from across the wider parking, transport, and planning communities come together in the city for the breakfast. Our thanks to Wilson Parking for their sponsorship of the event (and ongoing support of the Association as a valued, Platinum member), as well as the entire Wilson Perth team for their on-site support of the event and hosting me throughout the week.

At that event, as we did the preceding event in Melbourne, we acknowledged the contribution of the late Glen Holdsworth. Fellow Life Member Larry Schneider shared his reflections with the audience as we paid tribute to Glen’s commitment to the Association. Thank you, Larry, for allowing us to share your thoughts.

A note of appreciation too to the many members who I was able to visit during the week – a long list of valued colleagues. We’ll aim for further visits in the future for those I was unable to catch up with this time around. The week in Perth demonstrated the strong community we have there – and across the country – and we thank everyone for making the event the success it was.

Upcoming events – sponsor opportunities

Adelaide, 28 August. Topic: Driving excellence in customer service – lessons learned from paths well-travelled.

Sydney 27 November: Topic: The big picture – where does parking fit in the broader policy and planning landscape? UNSW, Kensington.

If you’re interested in being either a sponsor (Venue, Major Event, or Networking Session) at these forthcoming Parking Australia events (noting our thanks to the UNSW for hosting us on 27 November), please pop us a line.  Sponsorship packages are bespoke and developed in collaboration with the firms and are based on a range of factors including for example links to the topic, relevance to the audience/market, and ongoing engagement with members.  Sponsor interest is open and can be provided to CEO Jeremy Irvine at any time within the principle of first come, first served.

Parking Australia profiled

Parking Australia’s President, Angelique Mentis and the Association more broadly featured recently in our British colleagues’ Parking News magazine. The article as a PDF is here Parking News June 2024 Global view. 

Angelique also spoke at the recent EV Infrastructure Summit in Sydney. Click here for the video (the session is the third from the top of the page on the left – as viewed on a computer).

2024 AGM 

As per the outline on the AGM page, the 2024 AGM will be held on 27 November in person in Sydney and online. Nominations open on 5 September, closing on 26 September. If elections are required, voting will open on 8 October, closing three weeks later on 29 October. This format of three weeks for nominations, and three weeks for elections (if needed) will be the norm for our AGMs going forward.


Our member briefing this month includes an advocacy briefing, and more news.

Members can read more on these matters and other Parking Australia member news by logging into the member portal.

MORE FOR MEMBERSLog on to view member content.

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